Finicity Terms of Use

Agreement to Terms of Use

These Finicity Terms of Use, including the end-user license agreement contained herein, (“Terms of Use”) are a binding agreement between you (“You” or “Your”) and Finicity Corporation ("We," "Us,” or “Our”) to use Our websites, online interfaces, and mobile applications (collectively, “Sites”), and Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services (defined below and together with the Sites, Our “Services”). We may change Our Services, suspend Our Services, or limit access to or use of Our Services, including on an individual basis, in our sole discretion at any time and without notice to You.

ARBITRATION NOTICE: These Terms of Use include an agreement to arbitrate disputes that will have a substantial effect on Your and Our rights, including the ability to bring a class action or have a matter decided by a jury or judge. Please review the Arbitration Agreement, as well as the other terms of these Terms of Use, carefully before agreeing. You have the right to reject the Arbitration Agreement within 60 days as provided below.

By clicking "I agree"(or a similar checkbox or button), accessing Our Services, or using Our Services, You agree to these Terms of Use. If You do not agree with any of these terms, do not so click, access or use Our Services.

Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services

Our “Consumer-Permissioned Data Services” are services that allow You to connect to Your accounts at banks, financial institutions, financial services providers, and other providers (“Providers”), or upload data from such accounts, and direct Us to provide information from these accounts or uploads (Your “Consumer Data”) to third parties designated by You, authorized to receive Your Consumer Data, including any service provider of such designated third party (such as financial institutions or payment processors that facilitate payment transactions) (“Recipients”). Recipients may use Your Consumer Data for various purposes, including verifying Your income, verifying Your assets, verifying Your employment, underwriting You for credit or insurance, evaluating You as a prospective tenant, determining whether to make a particular payment method available to You for completing a purchase or other transaction permitted by applicable law.

Your Consumer Credentials and Uploaded Data

In order to use Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services, You will need to either (i) provide Your credentials for accessing Your accounts at Providers, such as access numbers, passwords, security questions and answers, account numbers, and other login information, (collectively, "Consumer Credentials"), or (ii) upload to Us (including through a third party) Your financial documents, employment documents, account statements, or other documents or information (“Uploaded Data”). You represent that any Consumer Credentials or Uploaded Data You provide to Us are Your Consumer Credentials and Uploaded Data and not that of a third party. You also represent that any Consumer Data You make available or upload to Us is accurate and has not been altered in any way.

Your Consents

By clicking that You accept these Terms of Use or accessing or using Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services, You authorize Us to use Your Consumer Credentials to access Your accounts at the Providers designated by You or access Your Uploaded Data and deliver Your Consumer Data to Recipients. You represent that You have the authority to appoint, and hereby expressly do appoint, Us or Our affiliates as Your agent with a limited power of attorney to act as Your attorney-in-fact in connection with Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services to access third-party websites, systems and applications and retrieve and use Your Consumer Data through whatever lawful means and with the full power and authority to perform each thing necessary in connection with such activities as You could do in person, including accepting any new or updated terms and conditions from Your Provider on Your behalf. You also expressly authorize Providers to share and disclose Your Consumer Data to Us on Your behalf. You authorize Us to assemble, evaluate, analyze, organize, or reformat Your Consumer Data.

In addition, You agree We may use Your Consumer Credentials to access Your accounts at Providers as many times and for as long as is necessary for Us to complete any transaction You have requested or instruction you have provided Us.

Further, You also agree that We may collect, use and share Your Consumer Data in accordance with our Privacy Notice. How We collect, use, share, retain, and protect your personal information, including the personal information We collect in connection with the Consumer-Permissioned Data Services and Our retention practices with respect to such information, is described in our Privacy Notice .

Consent to Obtain and Share Medical Information

You also understand and agree that the Consumer Data that We obtain in connection with Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services may include “"medical information”" as defined by applicable law (such as payment information related to the provision of health care services). You further agree that that such information is relevant to process or effect the transaction, product, or service You have requested from Recipients or Us and You are providing consent for Us to share such medical information with Recipients for any legal purpose, including, without limitation, to determine Your eligibility for credit, employment, or insurance.

Terminating Your Consents

You may terminate Your authorizations and agreements concerning Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services that are outlined in the sections Your Consents and Consent to Obtain and Share Medical Information above at any time under these Terms of Use by contacting us at Attention: Legal Department, Finicity Corporation, 434 W. Ascension Way, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 You agree that we shall have a reasonable period of time to process Your notice of termination.

Your Providers

You acknowledge and agree that We have no control over Your Providers and that some Providers may prevent, delay, or impede Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services from accessing Your account information. Depending on Your Provider, Your Consumer Data may not reflect Your most recent account information and transaction information. If You see a discrepancy, You should wait to proceed with the transaction and check the last refresh date for the relevant account. If the refresh date is not current, You should wait until the information has been refreshed and is accurate. If the refresh date is current, You should contact Your Provider. We do not guarantee that You will be able to use the Consumer-Permissioned Data Services with Your Provider. We will have no liability from Your inability to access the Consumer-Permissioned Data Services due to Your Provider.

We are also not responsible or liable for the product and services offered by Your Providers.

Consumer Reports

We are a Consumer Reporting Agency. If You use Our Consumer-Permissioned Data Services to provide Your Consumer Data to Recipients that provide credit, housing, employment or banking products or services, or Recipients that engage in similar eligibility determinations as defined by applicable law, Your Consumer Data will be released in the form of a consumer report. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), You have certain rights. You can learn more about Your rights under the FCRA and access Our consumer portal, by visiting Our website .

These rights include allowing You to obtain from Us a copy of Your consumer report that We currently have on file and certain information related to Your consumer report for a reasonable charge or in some circumstances, free of charge. You are entitled to a free copy of Your consumer report from Us when: (i) You have been denied credit, insurance or employment in the past 60 days as a result of Your consumer report; (ii) You certify in writing that You are unemployed and intend to apply for employment within 60-days; (iii) You are a recipient of public welfare assistance; or (iv) You have reason to believe that Your consumer report is inaccurate due to fraud. Your rights under the FCRA also include the ability to dispute inaccurate information in Your consumer report without charge. Accurate information cannot be changed. Given the nature of Our Services, contact your Provider to correct any inaccurate information concerning your account with the Provider. You do not have to purchase Your consumer report or other information from Us to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in Our file, to the extent we maintain a consumer file on You.

If You would like to obtain a copy of Your consumer report, dispute inaccurate information in Your consumer report, or exercise any of Your other rights under the FCRA, please contact us at or at Finicity Corporation, 434 W. Ascension Way, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 (Attn: Compliance Department), or by phone at (855) 263-3072.


Our information security practices are described in Our Privacy Notice. Additional information concerning Our information security practices is also available on Our website, .

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of Your Consumer Credentials. We reserve the right to deny or limit Your access to Our Services if We believe that any loss, theft, or unauthorized use of Your Consumer Credentials has occurred.

Consent to Electronic Records

Your Consent

You consent to receive electronically any disclosure, notice, document, or communication that is required to be provided by law in writing (“Record”) from Us. While any Record may be provided to you electronically, there is no obligation to do so and any Record may be sent by mail. Your consent applies to any Record in connection with any of our Services.

Paper Copies.

You may retain a paper copy of any Record by using the save or print function of your computer of mobile device.

Hardware and Software Requirements.

To electronically access and retain the Records, you must satisfy the following computer hardware and software requirements:

  1. access to the internet;
  2. an email account and related software capable of receiving email through the internet;
  3. supported web browsing software (such as the most recent version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari);
  4. software that allows you to view and print or save PDF documents (such as Adobe Reader or similar software);
  5. an operating system and hardware capable of supporting the above software requirements; and
  6. sufficient storage space or a printer that allows you to save or print electronic Records.

Withdrawing Consent.

You may withdraw your consent to receive Records electronically by calling Us at (855) 263-3072. If you do so, We may terminate Your ability to receive Our Services. 

Consent to Text Messages and Call Monitoring and Recording

You consent to receive text messages from Us and Our service providers (including text messages using an automatic telephone dialing system, artificial voice, or prerecorded voice) at any phone number You provide Us concerning any account You have with Us or any product or Service We provide to You or that You request from Us.

You Consent to Us monitoring and recording any telephone call between You and Us.

Limited License to Use Sites

We grant You a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, and nontransferable license to download, install, and use the Sites for Your own use on computer or a mobile device owned or otherwise controlled by You strictly in accordance with these Terms of Use and any other agreement You have with Us. You acknowledge and agree that the Sites are provided under license, and not sold, to You. You do not acquire any ownership interest in the Sites, or any other rights other than to use the Sites in accordance with the license granted and subject to all terms, conditions, and restrictions under these Terms of Use.

Sites Ownership

We own and retain all rights, title, and interest in and to the Sites and their features, functionality design, structure, selection, coordination, expression, arrangement, and entire contents, including text, data, design, source code, software, photos, images, graphics, user interfaces, trademarks, logos, sound, video, and other information, including any updates. We also own and retain any and all present and future intellectual property rights with respect to the Sites anywhere in the world, including copyright, know-how, designs, patents and trademarks, and any application or right to apply for registration of those rights (“Intellectual Property Rights”).

You acknowledge that the Sites are protected by United States and international trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. You will not at any time, including after any termination or expiration of these Terms of Use, undertake or permit a third party to undertake any act which infringes or attempts to infringe those Intellectual Property Rights and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, You specifically acknowledge that You must not copy the Sites, in whole or in part. Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in these Terms of Use shall be construed as conferring any transfer, conveyance or license to any of Our Intellectual Property Rights or those of Our licensors, whether by estoppel, implication or otherwise. All rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use are reserved by Us.


All product names in connection with the Sites, Our company name, Our logo, and all related names, logos, product and service names, whether or not appearing in large print or with the trademark symbol (the “Marks”), are Our trademarks or those of Our affiliates or licensors. The use of the Marks, except as expressly permitted herein, or any misuse of the Marks, is expressly prohibited and may be in violation of trademark law, copyright law and other proprietary and intellectual property rights. You must not use the Marks without Our prior written permission. 


Any questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, discussions or the like (“Submissions”) in any communications or other material that You send Us through the Sites, electronic mail, or otherwise provide to Us will be deemed not confidential. We will be free to use any Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, developing and marketing products and services. 

U.S. Government Rights

The Sites are commercial computer software, as such term is defined in 48 C.F.R. §2.101. Accordingly, if You are an agency or employee of the U.S. Government or any contractor therefor, You receive only those rights with respect to the Sites or Our Services as are granted to all other end users under license, in accordance with (a) 48 C.F.R. §227.7201 through 48 C.F.R. §227.7204, with respect to the Department of Defense and their contractors, or (b) 48 C.F.R. §12.212, with respect to all other U.S. Government licensees and their contractors.

Territorial Restrictions

Our Services are intended for use by U.S. consumers only. You agree to only access Our Services from the U.S. If You violate this provision and access Our Services from outside the U.S., it is Your responsibility, and not Our responsibility, to comply with all local laws including laws about the Internet, data, data transmission, email, export, or privacy.


We may from time to time in Our sole discretion develop and provide Sites updates, which may include upgrades, bug fixes, patches, other error corrections, and new features ("Updates"). You agree that We have no obligation to provide any Updates. You shall promptly download and install all Updates upon request and acknowledge and agree that the Sites or portions thereof may not properly operate should You fail to do so. We may require You to install certain Updates to continue using Our Services.

Third-Party Applications and Websites

In order to use Our Services, You may be required to use certain third-party applications or other services. Your use of such third-party applications or other services is subject to separate terms of use or conditions. Please read these separate terms of use or conditions carefully. You agree that We are not responsible for third-party applications or other services, including those necessary to use Our Services.

Our Sites may contain links to third-party websites, mobile applications, content, or services. Such third-party websites, mobile applications, content, or services are subject to separate terms of use or conditions. Please read these separate terms of use or conditions carefully. You agree that We are not responsible for third-party websites, mobile applications, content, or services, including those to which We provide links to on Our Sites.

Export Restrictions

You acknowledge that the Sites are subject to the Export Control Reform Act and its associated regulations. You agree to comply with this law and these regulations and that You shall not, directly or indirectly, export, re-export, or release the Sites to, or make the Sites accessible from, any jurisdiction or country other than the United States.

Your Representations and Warranties

By using Our Services, You represent and warrant:

  1. You are at least 18 years of age;
  2. You agree to and will abide by all of the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use;
  3. All information You provide in connection with Our Services will be truthful and accurate;
  4. You will not access Our Services from a country that is subject to sanctions issued by the government of the United States;
  5. You are not included on any list of Specially Designated Nationals, blocked, prohibited, or restricted persons by the government of the United States;
  6. You will not attempt to disrupt the normal operation of Our Services or Our other business activities;
  7. You will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to Our Services;
  8. You will not impersonate any other person in using Our Services;
  9. You will not send Us, or engage in any communications with Us that are, defamatory, threatening, obscene or harassing;
  10. You will not transmit any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, disrupt, or limit the operation or functionality of Our Services;
  11. You will not copy, display, download, store, reproduce, republish, publicly display, distribute, post, transmit, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify, or create derivative works based on Our Services, or content therein; and
  12. You will not use Our Services in connection with the actual or attempted contravention of any applicable laws.

Disclaimer of Warranties

You acknowledge and agree that the services and any third-party services available through the sites are provided “as is” and “as available.” neither we, nor our affiliates nor any of our licensors nor any recipient nor any provider nor any of our or their parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, directors, employees, predecessors in interest, successors and assigns (collectivity, the “finicity parties”) make any warranty, express or implied, and disclaim any and all warranties with respect to the services or any third-party services available through the sites; in whole or in part, including any implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, title, or non-infringement. You understand and expressly agree that any use of the services or third-party services available through the sites will be at your sole risk. The finicity parties do not warrant the comprehensiveness, completeness, correctness, legality, or accuracy of the services or third-party services available through the sites, in whole or in part, or that the services will be secure, uninterrupted or error free. You are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or other device or loss of data that results from your use of the services or third-party services available through the sites.


You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and fully compensate the Finicity Parties from any and all third-party claims, liability, losses, damages, expenses and costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) caused by or arising from Your use of Our Services, Your violation of these Terms of Use, Your violation of any other agreement You have with Us, any violation of law, or violation of the rights of any third party.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that the finicity parties will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses in connection with the services, even if the finicity parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Complaints and Disputes

Most consumer concerns can be resolved quickly by calling Our consumer care department at 1 (855) 263-3072. You can also contact us at Finicity Corporation, 434 W. Ascension Way, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 (Attn: Compliance Department). If Your concern relates to Your consumer report, You may also submit Your concern or dispute at

Arbitration Agreement

Please read this section carefully, as it affects Your rights. You have the right to reject the arbitration of disputes as detailed below.

Agreement to Arbitrate

You and We agree that any Claim, upon the election of either You or Us, shall be resolved by legally binding arbitration. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be broadly interpreted and to make all Claims between You and Us subject to arbitration to the fullest extent permitted by law. A “Claim” means any dispute, claim, or controversy (whether based on contract, tort, intentional tort, constitution, statute, ordinance, common law, or equity, whether pre-existing, present, or future, and whether seeking monetary, injunctive, declaratory, or any other relief) arising from or relating to these Terms of Use, the Sites, Our Services, or the relationship between You and Us, including: claims arising prior to or after the date of the Terms of Use; claims that are currently the subject of purported class action litigation in which You are not a member of a certified class; disputes, claims, or controversies that are brought as counterclaims, cross claims, third party claims or otherwise. For purposes of this Arbitration Agreement, “We” means the Finicity Parties (as defined above). These Terms of Use evidence a transaction in interstate commerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this Arbitration Agreement.

Small Claims Court

Notwithstanding anything in this Arbitration Agreement to the contrary, either party may bring an individual action in small claims court, so long as the action is not removed or appealed to a court of general jurisdiction. If an action that is brought in small claims court is removed or appealed to a court of general jurisdiction or is part of a class or representative action, either party may immediately cause or compel such Claim to be arbitrated pursuant to the terms of this Arbitration Agreement.

Jury Trial and Class Action Waiver

You and We each waive our right to a trial by jury. Further, You and We agree that each may bring Claims against the other only in an individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding.

Initiating Arbitration

A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a written signed notice of dispute ("Notice"). The Notice to Finicity should be addressed to: Attention: Legal Department, Finicity Corporation, 434 W. Ascension Way, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 ("Notice Address"). The Notice to You shall be sent to the address we have on file for You. The Notice must describe the nature and basis of the Claim and set forth the specific relief sought ("Demand"). If You and We do not reach an agreement to resolve the Claim within 30 days after the Notice is received by the other party (during which time the statute of limitations shall be tolled), You or We may commence an arbitration proceeding. In the event a Claim is filed with a court, either You or We may immediately cause or compel such Claim to be arbitrated pursuant to the terms of this Arbitration Agreement.

Your entitled to an arbitration award of at least $7,500 if: (1) You give Us Notice of a Claim and a Demand on your own behalf (and not on behalf of any other party) and comply with all of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement; (2) We refuse to provide You with the Demand You requested before an arbitrator is appointed; and (3) the arbitrator awards You money damages greater than the last amount You requested at least ten days before the arbitration commenced. This $7,500 minimum award is a single award that applies to all Claims You have raised or could have raised in the arbitration. Multiple awards of $7,500 are not contemplated by this clause.

You may obtain more information about arbitration from .

Arbitrator and Arbitration Procedures

The arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) and will be governed by the Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively, "AAA Rules"). If the AAA is unavailable or refuses to arbitrate the parties’ dispute for any reason, the arbitration shall be administered and conducted by a widely-recognized arbitration organization that is mutually agreeable to the parties, but neither party shall unreasonably withhold or delay their consent. If the parties cannot agree to a mutually agreeable arbitration organization, one shall be appointed pursuant to Section 5 of the Federal Arbitration Act. The AAA Rules are available online at, by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879, or by writing to the Notice Address.

All issues are for the arbitrator to decide. The arbitrator may award relief, including but not limited to, damages, restitution, declaratory relief, and injunctive relief. Any such relief shall only be in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party’s individual Claim. The arbitrator’s decision shall be legally binding. The arbitrator shall be bound by the terms of these Terms of Use.

Discovery and/or the exchange of non-privileged information relevant to the Claim will be governed by the AAA Rules.


In the event that You file for arbitration, You may send Us a written request at the Notice Address requesting that We pay all AAA filing, administration and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with the Notice requirements above. We will pay all such costs if the request is reasonable and the related claim is not in connection with twenty (20) or more demands for arbitration that are filed relating to the same or similar subject matter with the same counsel submitting demands or different counsels that appear to be coordinating claims (a “Mass Arbitration”). If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of Your Claim or the relief sought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of any fees by Us or You will be governed by the AAA Rules. In such case, You agree to reimburse Us for all monies previously disbursed by Us that are otherwise Your obligation to pay under the AAA Rules.

The arbitrator may make rulings and resolve disputes as to the payment and reimbursement of fees and expenses at any time during the proceeding or in the final award, pursuant to applicable law and the AAA Rules.

Arbitration Location

Unless You and We agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county (or parish) of Your home address. If Your Claim is for $10,000 or less, We agree that You may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents submitted to the arbitrator, through a telephonic hearing, through an online hearing, or by an in-person hearing as established by the AAA Rules. If Your Claim exceeds $10,000, the type of hearing will be determined by the AAA Rules.

Class Arbitration

The arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s Claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. The arbitrator may award injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party’s individual Claim. If this Class Arbitration Section is found to be unenforceable or invalid, then the entirety of this Arbitration Agreement shall be null and void.

Public Injunctive Relief

If You or We seek public injunctive relief as a remedy for any Claim against one another (a “Public Injunctive Relief Request,”) You and We agree that Public Injunctive Relief Request cannot be arbitrated. Instead, that Public Injunctive Relief Request shall be adjudicated by a court after all other Claims to be decided in arbitration under this Arbitration Agreement are resolved in arbitration. You and We agree to jointly request that the court stay the Public Injunctive Relief request until after the remaining Claims have been finally resolved in arbitration. The enforceability, validity and effect of this Public Injunctive Relief section shall be determined exclusively by a court, and not by the administrator or any arbitrator.

Right to Reject Arbitration

You understand that You may reject the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement, in which case neither You nor Us will have the right to elect arbitration and this Arbitration Agreement shall be void. Rejection of this Arbitration Agreement will not affect the remaining parts of this Terms of Use. To reject this Arbitration Agreement, You must send us written notice of Your rejection within 60 days after the date after You agreed to these Terms of Use. You must include Your name and address. The notice of rejection must be mailed to Attention: Legal Department, Finicity Corporation, 434 W. Ascension Way, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123. This is the only way that You can reject this Arbitration Agreement.

Changes to Arbitration Agreement

We agree that if We make any change to this Arbitration Agreement (other than a change to the Notice Address) and You did not initially reject this Arbitration Agreement, You may reject any such change pursuant to the process in the Right to Reject Arbitration section. If You so reject, the terms of the Arbitration Agreement that existed prior to your rejection shall remain in effect.

Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use constitutes the entire agreement between You and Us with respect to Our Services and supersede all prior or contemporaneous understandings and agreements, whether written or oral, with respect to Our Services.

Governing Law

These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to any conflict of laws principles that would require or permit the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction.


You may not assign, novate or otherwise transfer any of Your rights or obligations under these Terms of Use. We may assign, novate or otherwise transfer any of Our rights or obligations under these Terms of Use in Our sole discretion without notice to You.

Waiver; Interpretation

Our failure or delay in enforcing any of Your obligations or exercising any Our rights or remedies under these Terms of Use shall not operate as a waiver. Additionally, if we waive a particular obligation, right, or remedy in one circumstance, in whole or in part, it does not preclude Us from subsequently requiring compliance with such obligation or exercising Our right or remedy on other occasions. Use of the word “include” or any derivations thereof means to include without limitation.


Except as otherwise provided in the Class Arbitration section of the Arbitration Agreement, if any provision of these Terms of Use is held invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the remainder of the provision will be amended to achieve as closely as possible the effect of the original term and all other provisions of these Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect.


The following provisions of these Terms of Use shall survive termination of Your ability to access the Sites or Your use of Our Services: Consent to Call Monitoring and Recording; Limited License to Use Sites; Sites Ownership; Trademarks; Submissions; Export Restrictions; Your Representations and Warranties; Disclaimer of Warranties; Indemnification; Limitation of Liability; Arbitration Agreement; Governing Law; Assignment; Waiver; Interpretation; Severability; Survival; and any other provision that by its nature survives.